Prodia+ is a vending machine operator network in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

The network of independent vending operators guarantees to clients the quality of the services offered by its members in each of their specific regional area.  The Prodia+ network – already a member of the French Vending Association (NAVSA) – counts as members around 50 vending operators, managing more than 60,000 machines in over 15,000 sites.

Matthieu Vanden Dael, General Administrator, explained why the company has joined the EVA, stating, “Prodia Plus is the first network of independent vending machine companies in France and Belgium. Gathering more than 50 enterprises, they serve 1.2 million hot drinks every day. As a leader of the vending market in France and Belgium, today Prodia Plus wants to get into position in the EVA to contribute upon reflection of the future major issues in the European vending market.

Furthermore, as a new member of the EVA, Prodia Plus expect to develop new links and partnerships in Europe to reinforce business relations with suppliers. All our team and members are pleased to join the EVA. “

The EVA Director General warmly welcomed Prodia+ as a new member and remarked “As a sizeable operators network covering several European markets, it’s a natural fit that Prodia+ has now joined the EVA. Our sought after market report and our networking opportunities and experience sharing through EVEX, should prove very beneficial for Prodia+.  Likewise, the EVA can look forward to hearing Prodia+ views on a range of issues facing vending operators in the next years, including topics such as healthier vending restrictions, fiscalisation and single use plastics proposals, to name just a few ‘hot issues’ and to look together for joint industry solutions.    

Prodia+, based outside Lyon, joins the EVA as a Direct Member.