The Director General, Mr. Erwin Wetzel, implements the policies defined by the Executive Committee. The Director General is responsible for the day-to-day work, the management of the Brussels office and staff, the relations with the EU, the press and the general representation of the association and its members.
The EVA Executive Committee 2022-25

Sergio Barbarisi
(BWT water+more )

Mihai Ungureanu (O’Fresh)
First Vice President

Jürgen Göbel (Ingenico)
Vice President

Alberto Giavoni (Brita)

José Manuel Mendoza (ANEDA)

Aris Kaschefi (BDV)

Michele Adt (CONFIDA)

Christian Mengus (NAVSA)

Marco Baron (Fas International)

Davide Celin (Lavazza)

Antonio Tartaro (IVS)

Michele Pellegrinelli (Evoca Group)