We are the pan-European Association for the coffee service and vending industry, and the reference for standards and data about our sector for members and relevant stakeholders.
The EVA is a not-for-profit trade association established in 1994, representing the interests of the whole European coffee service and vending industry vis-à-vis the European Union Institutions and other relevant authorities or bodies. The EVA is an international association governed by Belgian law and its membership comprises of both National Associations and companies.
The mission of the EVA is:
- To protect, promote and provide leadership to the self-serve coffee, food and beverage and Point of Use (POU) industry
- To provide a single voice for self-serve coffee food and beverage and POU industry in Europe
- To become the reference organisation for providing data, and information about our industry to all relevant stakeholders
Executive Committee
The General Assembly, where all members are represented, meets once a year to fix the general guidelines of the association. It elects the Executive Committee (15 members maximum) biannually, who are well known personalities from the various segments of the vending industry. The Executive Committee decides upon the political agenda and technical programme of the EVA and adopts the position papers that serve as a basis for lobbying actions.

Erwin Wetzel
Director General
General Management
Communication & Marketing
Public Affairs
Committees & working groups
Membership enquiries

Julie Barth
Head of Administration & Events
Office Management
Human Resources
Events Management
Trade shows

David Irvine
Communication and Public Affairs Manager
Public Affairs
Committees & Working Groups

José García
Operations & Communication Coordinator
Administration Support
Data Maintenance
Events Registration
Marketing & Communication Support
The EVA is primarily a lobbying organisation that promotes the interests of the coffee service and vending industries. EVA Membership covers all the various activities of the industry, including:
- Machine, component (e.g. payment systems, water filters) and accessories manufacturing (e.g. cups);
- Supplying ingredients (e.g. food products);
- Operating (e.g. managing, filling and maintaining the machines).
The EVA has become the reference organisation in Brussels for European coffee service and vending industry. As such, it participates in a number of consultative and/or multi stakeholder forums launched by the EU institutions. The EVA furthermore maintains close links with the various Mints in Europe and with EU Officials directly.
As coffee service and vending is a very diverse industry, EVA lobbying actions cover a wide and technical range of different subject areas, including: environmental issues, machine manufacturing and efficiency requirements, food law and hygiene, healthier vending, standardisation, payment systems and processes etc.
The European Union’s legislative process is made up of different steps, with each step being a lobbying opportunity.
As the European legislative process is very complex as demonstrated by this detailed flowchart. the EVA interprets and simplifies the procedures for its Members, providing early information and appropriate advice and responses.
The EVA lobbies the Brussels-based institutions in a spirit of cooperation with the National Associations, as they are the privileged contacts for lobbying at a Member State level. The EVA has established strong links with other trade associations and experts in order to maximise the possibilities to influence the EU process (e.g. joint lobbying approaches) and to be informed early of any legislative developments. These links are strengthened as some members of the EVA are also members of other trade associations. Therefore, a collaborative approach can be essential for effective lobbying for the benefit of the whole community.
- Currency: We maintain excellent relations with the European Central Bank, and European (and worldwide) mints, to ensure continued smooth acceptance of payments at vending machines
- Ecodesign & Energy Labelling: We are working to ensure the most suitable legislation for refrigerated vending machines
- F-Gas: We provide useful information to members and thoroughly monitor implementation of the phasedown in our industry
- Obesity: We are a founding organisation of the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, and committed to encouraging a more diverse offering of healthier options in vending machines. A report on European requirements and guidance can be downloaded here.
- Standards: We maintain and update the EVA-DTS (Data Transfer Standard), EVA-EPS (Electronic Payment Specification), EVA-EMP and EVA members have developed the new official EN 50597 (Measurement of energy consumption)
- Global network: We have established excellent relations with NAMA (USA), JVMA (Japan) and other vending associations worldwide
- Events: We organise the European Vending Experience (EVEX) annually in corporation with different national vending associations, providing educational conferences on the trends, along with fostering networking and business opportunities.
- Publications: A monthly newsletter provides members with latest developments from the EU and national associations, in multiple languages.
- Press and media: We maintain a high visibility of the vending industry, both online and through a long-term cooperation with our media partners.