METRO24st is a Spanish micromarket company founded in 2021.
METRO24st was born a from a group of vending professionals with more than 25 years of experience. The idea was to give some fresh air to the usual concept of 24-hour corners, with an urban image, unique vending machines for their cutting-edge technology in the national market, a range of varied products and without excess cost overruns. They sell 24h vending machine shops across Europe.
The EVA Director General, Erwin Wetzel, welcomes Metro24st to Association, commenting, “With micromarkets growing rapidly across Europe, the EVA is pleased to see a dedicated unattended vending shop company like Metro24st join as a member. As shown in our market report data, more and more operators are installing micromarkets as an innovative solution in certain locations. By becoming an EVA member, Metro24st will now be able to enjoy additional international visibility and well as detailed data on the latest consumer preferences and market developments.”
Metro24st is based in Spain and joins the EVA as supportive member.