A quick look at some topics relevant for the vending industry.

EU launches a Code of Conduct for responsible food business practices.

Following months of dialogue with industry groups, NGOs and consumer representatives, the EU Commission has launched a Code of Conduct for responsible food business and marketing practices.

This voluntary declaration will allow both Associations and companies to sign the Code, which commits to working towards improving both the health choices for consumers and well as sustainable business practices. Specific concrete actions (‘Commitments’) will need undertaken as part of the signing up to the Code.

The EVA was a founding member of the previous collaborative approach by the EU Commission – the Platform for Diet, Nutrition and Physical Activity – which ended in 2018. This new Code aims to build on the core principles of the Platform, and the EVA was engaged during the stakeholder process.

The EVA will consider with members the benefits a commitment on behalf of the vending industry could bring and how best any commitment could be completed.

The EVA Electronic Payment Specification benefits to be more widely promoted.

At a recent EVA Electronic Payment Committee meeting, it was agreed that the benefits of the Electronic Payment Specification (EPS) – which was comprehensively updated over the last few years and published as Version 2 last year – should be communicated and promoted more widely.

The EPS defines specifies a minimum set of requirements to ensure a) machine – payment device mutual compatibility and b) a vending process which is user-friendly and consistent with experiences in other environments.

The EPS furthermore provides a process which allows companies to certify their device as compliant with the standard and be placed on the EPS register and receive a new ‘EPS registered product’ logo.

Companies can apply for certification if they are an EVA or national association member.

EU Single Use Plastics Directive in force since July

The deadline for national member states to implement the product bans, restrictions and marking requirements from the Single Use Plastics Directive was 3 July 2021. Since then a raft of national legislation – some going further than the EU rules – have impacted the vending industry. Unfortunately, as often a result of national transpositions, there is a lack of harmonisation in approaches. Indeed not all EU Member States have even implemented the legislation by 3 July, leading to confusion.

Ahead of this date, the EVA published further Q&As for members on the details of the legislation and based on the latest clarifications from the EU Commission.


EVA Members can consult the latest versions of the EU Newsletter for full details on these and many other topics.