Manufacturers make appeal to EU Court on marking requirements of Single Use Plastics Directive

Seven packaging manufacturers have filed an appeal with the Court of the European Union to annul the new marking requirements for single use beverage cups which are to be implemented on 3 July 2021.

All these manufacturers include symbols and markings widely used by the packaging and food contact materials industry in the EU market to allow and promote proper disposal, sorting and recycling of the products. The companies claim that the new markings are unsuitable for achieving the overall objective of EU 2019/904 Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD).

The signatories also note that the impact assessment carried out by the EU before the adoption of the Directive does not specifically cover disposable beverage cups which are only 35th on the list of products found on European beaches.

The companies also consider that the required written indications “Made of Plastic” or “Plastic in Product” in the respective official languages of the Member State is a hindrance to the free movement of products in the EU single market.

The companies that submitted the case are PACCOR, Flo, Dopla, ILIP, Aristea, Dart and Intraplas, stress their commitment to the objectives of the European Green Deal and the wider Circular Economy.

In separate developments on the same dossier, 13 Italian MEPS have written to the EU Commission President Von der Leyen, asking that the implementation dates of the legislation are postponed.

EVA to respond to EU Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) consultation

The consultation aims to assess views on the proposed SPI, including on its potential scope, objectives and the key policy options. Furthermore the EU Commission wants to hear about challenges arising when making products sustainable, potential measures such as a digital product passport, as well as compliance with product enforcement.

The SPI is at the core of the new EU Commission Circular Economy Action Plan which was presented on 11 March and seeks to expand the scope of Ecodesign measures.

Stakeholder Platform seeks industry best practices on circular economy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is designed to list best practices, commitments and strategies that aim to fulfil the objectives of the EU Circular Economy and Green Deal policies.

The EVA is pleased that the ‘RiVending’ project, which streamlines the collection and recycling process of plastic cups, has now been submitted by the Italian Vending Association (CONFIDA) and published on the platform.

Please contact the EVA for more details about the platform and how to submit vending projects.

New Ecodesign working plan likely not to include hot drinks machines

The EVA has been providing technical input to the study evaluating products for possible inclusion in the new EU Ecodesign & Energy Labelling working plan 2020-24, which is scrutinising the potential savings of professional hot drinks machines.

While the study findings have not been published, the EVA believes that hot drinks machines will not be recommended for imminent legislative measures.


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