A quick look at some topics relevant for the vending industry.

EU Commission launches consultation on front of pack nutritional labelling

A consultation has opened on a proposed Regulation to revise EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers. It covers front-of-pack nutrition labelling, nutrient profiles, origin labelling and date marking.

The EVA will provide a response on behalf of the industry to the stakeholder consultation and will certainly raise important issues for vending including how the Commission expects nutritional information to be provided at unattended machines.

Ecodesign Working Plan 2020-24 expected early this year

The EU Commission has confirmed that the publication of the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Working Plan 2020-2024 has been postponed until the first quarter of this year.

Last year, a draft background study identified hot drinks vending machines as a potential product category for future Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures. After significant EVA input to this background study to propose changes, we do not believe that the final published working plan will include hot drinks vending machines, but we have been eagerly awaiting the announcement by the EU Commission for confirmation of this.

EU Commission launches consultation on ‘right to repair’

The Commission has launched a consultation on the sustainable consumption of goods which could include a ‘right to repair’. The objective would be to encourage consumers to use goods for a longer time, by repairing defective goods, and by purchasing second hand or refurbished goods.

The EVA will respond to the consultation in due course.

Sustainable product policy: EU Commission to present proposal in March

The EU Commission is due to present the proposal for a Directive on Sustainable Product Policy at the end of March. As a reminder this new policy framework has the potential to impact on vending machines, their entire lifecycle as well as the service of operators, and so the EVA is keen to seen what types of areas the Commission is to include in the initiative.

EVA to publish report on bottled water in vending

The EVA recently launched a survey for bottlers and vending operators to gather information and statistics on what changes are taking place with regards to the provision of water through the vending channel. The  aim is to understand if clients and customers are changing their preferences for purchasing water or if PET bottles remain the most common format.

The report will be made available to Members by the end of March.

Single use plastic legislation update

The EVA has responded to a Northern Ireland consultation which could see plastics cups hit with a minimum £0.25 levy or even a product ban.

EVA Members can consult the latest versions of the EU Newsletter for full details on these and other topics.